Planetary Hours Calculator Astrology planets Birth chart astrology

Planetary Hours Calculator by Hasan Cakir

To calculate the daytime planetary hours, you need to know the exact time of sunrise and sunset of that day. Once you have the length of the day in minutes, divide that number by 12 to know the length of a single daytime planetary hour in minutes. It will only be 60 minutes around the time of the equinoxes; it will be greater than 60 minutes in.

Planetary Days Hours and Experimentation THAVMA Catholic Occultism

There are 7 movable planets in the sky going from slowest to fastest: Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Sun, Venus, Mercury, Moon. There are 24 hours in a day. (or some number of hours which when divided by 7 gives 3 as the remainder.) Each hour will be named after a planet starting with Saturn.

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Planetary Hours for Saturday; Example of how to calculate Planetary Hours. The sunrise time is 5:50 am, and the sunset time is 6:30 pm. There are 12 hours and 40 minutes of daylight for Sunday. 12 hours and 40 minutes is a total of 760 minutes of daylight for Sunday. When I divide that by 12, I find that there are 63 minutes for each individual.

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Planetary Hours Calculator. close. Options. Auto Update . Automatically update to the current day and time . Dark mode . Toggle between light and dark mode . Planet names . Toggle between planetary icons and text labels . 12-hour time . Toggle between 12 hour and 24 hour time formats.

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Planetary Hours Calculator ( UT/GMT) Time | Change to your local timezone Date: Calendar: « Sun Apr 30 Mon May 1 Tue May 2 Wed May 3 Thu May 4 Fri May 5 Sat May 6 » Current planets Planetary positions of this moment » Sun 11 ° 35′ Tau Moon 29 ° 56′ Vir Waxing Gibbous (138°21′) Mercury 11 ° 09′ Tau R Venus 24 ° 04′ Gem Mars 19 ° 41′ Can Jupiter

Magic by the Planetary Hours ParaYourNormal

Hours. Hours is a planetary hours calculator, able to calculate planetary hours for any day and for practically any location on the Earth. It also calculates the essential strengths or weaknesses of the planets ruling the hours, following traditional rules. Most frequently, the Hours app is used to define the planetary hours for the current day.

Planetary Hours for PC Windows or MAC for Free

Planetary hours are divided into two parts: Sunrise to sunset; and, sunset to sunrise. Each hour of the day and night is calculated and matched to a certain planet for its influence. These influences can either help or dissolve your effort so it is important to calculate carefully.


Download Planetary Hours Calculator and enjoy it on your iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch. ‎The planetary hours are based on an ancient astrological system, the Chaldean order of the planets. This is the sequence: Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Sun, Venus, Mercury, Moon, then repeating endlessly Saturn, Jupiter, etc. The planetary hours use the Chaldean.

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Here are the properties of each planetary hour. You should note that the planetary day is important as well and below you will find the combinations of planetary hours and days and for what sitatuins are useful each combination of planetary hours and planetary days. Things to remember: 1- You should also build an astrological chart for the moment and.

The Life of a Demoniac 584 ASTROLOGY Planetary hour determines

The 12-hour (am/pm) or 24-hour (military time) preference set at the system level is honored. Assuming location data is precise, and time and timezone settings of the device are set up correctly, planetary hours calculation is accurate to the exact second (± rounding), and zodiac-related calculations are accurate to the exact degree (±0. 01-0.

Planetary Hours table for San Jose Usa

Planetary Hours API This API and online calculator is a hobby project. The API is free to use without an API key while request volume is low. The program behind the API calculates sunrise and sunset times, as well as timezone, and makes adjustments to all times based on user-entered location and date. Usage Documenation:

Astrology Holding Page

The planetary hours are based on an ancient astrological system, the Chaldean order of the planets. This is the sequence: Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Sun, Venus, Mercury, Moon, then repeating endlessly Saturn, Jupiter, etc. The Chaldean order indicates the relative orbital velocity of the planets.

Astrology Medieval Tradition

A free online calculator of planetary days and hours uses a traditional algorithm based on the times of the sunrise an
d the sunset in the given location.

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The Planetary Hours and the Names and Sequence of the Days of the Week A s Lilly notes there are seven days of the week and seven planets and each planet rules or is lord of, one day: Sunday, the Sun; Monday, the Moon; Tuesday, Mars; Wednesday, Mercury; Thursday, Jupiter; Friday, Venus; and Saturday, Saturn.


By day, a planetary hour is 50.48 minutes long By night, each planetary hour is 69.51 minutes long Today is ruled by Jupiter The Gateway of Night is ruled by The Moon We are in Apas, the Tattvic Tide of Water. The Western Season is Autumn. The Element of Autumn is Water. The Magickal Hours for the day are:

Table Of Planetary Hours

Planetary hours use what we call the seven classical planets, which are: Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn These planets each have a dedicated weekday and specified hours throughout the different weekdays. Check out the Planetary Hour Calculator to see how these hours are laid out. Meanings of the Planets Sun